Agrobusiness Uruguay:
Feature of agriculture in Uruguay is mostly a very extensive management, within the meaning of little tillage and also usually a low use of chemicals and fertilizers.
Natural pastures, large paddocks and barely feeding characterize the appearance of agriculture in Uruguay.
Uruguay has a temperate climate, very suitable for livestock and field economy that allows a year-round grazing and agriculture without irrigation.
In soybean, wheat, maize two crops are possible.
Agricultural land in Uruguay usually have great potential for intensification and higher productivity.
Land cost in Uruguay, about 30% of the average prices in Western Europe. The increase in value was in the last 10 years, about 10-16% annually.
Agricultural land areas are mostly connected also transport links to a good road network.
At the bottom values of 55-60 (Coneat110) agricultural land will be offered from 5000 U $.
Agricultural land land, Coneat 160, is available from:
8,000 - 12,000 U$ and more.
Producer prices are usually very close to world market prices.
Labor costs of a farm worker in Uruguay are about 500- 700 U$ monthly.
Fertile agricultural land in Uruguay, have as an asset has always been interesting for investors.
With a constant increase in value of agricultural land land worldwide total returns are excellent.
At the present time assets of fertile agricultural land inflation are protecting values more than ever.
Taxes and regulations when buying land in Uruguay:
The additional costs when buying a property add up to about 8%, 3% agency fee + VAT. The purchaser, plus the notary fees and taxes and charges.
Property tax is not levied on farmland. The VAT rate is 22%.
Taxes on agricultural land land (municipal taxes and social security contributions) are low.
Owners of agricultural land land with natural persons in the country are located, can choose a lower sales tax payment, as a substitute to the agricultural income tax, which are exempt from compulsory accounting.
Uruguay has a good banking secrecy. Capital transfers are not restricted.